Sammy Roth

Sammy Roth

Ph.D. in Culture and Performance


Sammy Roth is a dance artist, scholar, administrator, and educator hailing from Louisville, KY. Her work considers the ways whiteness (re)produces perceptual hierarchies, embodied boundaries, and sensory capacities in a violent reduction to legibility, particularly drawing upon her upbringing in competition and postmodern dance. Relying upon an imaginative technique (Kinetica) to de- and re- construct her own sense of self, Sammy aims to restore historicity and ancestral memory to her own white-washed flesh. Performatively, she collaborates with poet Joey De Jesus and vocal artist B Taylor in technologically-mediated improvisation rituals that test the limits of embodiment and being. She is a 2018 recipient of the Dance Studies Association's Selma Jeanne Cohen Award, has performed at the Kimmel Center, Suzanne Dellal Center, European Capital of Culture Festival, among others, and has held a wide range of administrative positions, including producing performances at the Museum of Modern Art.


She holds a BFA in Dance from Ohio University, an MA in Performance Studies from New York University, and is thrilled to continue her studies at WAC/D.